WW1 and WW2 militaria reproductions, uniforms, caps, helmets, boots, medals, badges, buckles, busts, flags, zippos, bayonets, daggers, knives, sabers, replica and blank weapons
Important disclaimer:
This site is just a business activity for exclusively historical, collecting and cinematographic purposes, so there is no glorification of extremist ideologies, nor any incitement to hatred.
All the "weapons" on sale here are ornamental replicas or airsoft replicas without any permit required. Neither real weapons nor real ammunitions are sold or possessed by us in any way. Furthermore, sale to minors under the age of 18 is strictly forbidden.

How much is the shipment cost?
Generally it is from 8,00€ by GLS for almost all the EU. For the rest of the world it is necessary to evaluate the weight and volume of the freight and the destination country, anyway it is possible to ship several item by an ordinary mail for 5€ only.
What payment methods are allowed?
Credit cards, bank transfer, cash, MoneyGram, Western Union and cash on deliver. Other wallets might be offered on the credit card checkout.
Will you have a customs check?
For EU redident, no, because we send the goods from Italy and there is no customs control in the EU. For the rest of the world, it could also happen, but we arrange the invoice and the package in the most neautrla way and it is enough.
What shipping methods are available?
Ordinary mail, GLS, DHL, UPS and DPD.
Which countries can we ship our goods to?
We ship all over the world, it is useless to ask. We have all couriers available, it's up to you to choose. However, in some countries it will not be possible to send replica weapons, if you have any doubts, we will get back to you.
No way. Please, don't write us anymnore asking for Paypal. They consider this site and the most of items here on sale, unseemly and at odds with their rules. So very happily. we don't deal anymore with that e-wallet.
Which are the accepted currencies?
Although it is possible to view the prices in 4 of the most famous currencies, currently the checkout procedure must take place in Euros. Enabled credit cards can automatically pay in multiple currencies with no action required from the customer.
This site is certified by Thawte and uses SSL technology. Our company is registered with the Florence Chamber of Commerce with REA number FI-655558 and VAT number IT06779370482
Did you met across here a credit card payment issue?
Your credit card must comply with the latest "3D Secure" security standard. Otherwise, transactions will not be authorized by your card issuer. We cannot intervene in this matter in any way, being payment protocols not managed by us.
Therefore you had better to update your credit card, also for your own security.